Saturday 15 August 2015

How I'm getting ready for living in 200 sq feet

Hi folks,

So it's one thing to imagine what it's like to live in a gorgeous little tiny house on wheels but it's another thing to live in one I'm sure.  In the past few months of researching this way of life I have read many people's accounts of the downsizing they had to do to comfortably live in their new dwelling and have been really inspired to channel my excitement about this new lifestyle into some downsizing of my own.  One in particular that I found really inspiring was this article here:

As I shared in a previous post I am an avid crafter and 2nd-hand shop peruser and because of these two things (and also my absolute love of clothing and jewellery) I am constantly fighting my instincts of collecting all things that are pretty and colourful...and a bargain.  In the last year, even before we had started to think about tiny houses, I had started to throw away a lot of the unnecessary clutter that I had managed to accumulate over the last 4 years of living in Australia.  When I came to this country I arrived with a 60 litre backpack and hand luggage, I had got rid of everything else other then a box of childhood mementos in my mums farmhouse attic.  In the 4 year interim I had managed to collect an astounding amount of  clothes that I never wore, craft supplies and general bric-a-brac.  I started off going through my craft supplies a few months ago and pairing it back to what I was really excited about and didn't want to give up.  That now fits in a few small boxes and bags.  Next I moved onto my Tardis of a wardrobe and checked out everything that I hadn't worn in the last 2 years.

I got rid of a big bin bag of clothes that I had absolutely no emotional attachment to whatsoever.  A few weeks went by and then I had the drive to look through my closet again and see if anything else wasn't needed.  Dresses I love but just don't suit me, heels I've never worn and never will were finally let go of.  I now currently have 2 big bin bag's of clothes, accessories and shoes ready for a garage sale a friend and I plan on hosting!

I probably still need to cut down the amount of clothes in my closet to comfortably fit them into a tiny house but Im proud of what Ive let go of!

Another major step that I put in place 2 months ago now was to stop increasing my wardrobe at the rate I was chucking it out.  It seemed like a silly idea to chuck away all of this stuff with out addressing the reason that I got into this 'state' in the first place!  So I challenged myself, a big ol' scary challenge: to not buy any new clothes, shoes or accessories for 1 whole year.  A YEAR.

I'm now 2 months in and in that time I've learnt a real lot about myself and my buying habits.  Up until this challenge I would habitually buy things...out of boredom, to treat myself, to make myself feel better and to feel attractive.  I would buy something to celebrate a nice place I'd been or purely because I thought it looked nice on someone I saw in the street.  So many reasons to buy.  It's clear to me now that that buzz that I get from buying something new really doesn't last that long and I was spending way out of my means.  In the last 2 months of my spending ban I have set up a Buy Nothing local group in my area to help me get rid of some of my unwanted stuff and also to pick up anything that I do need.  It's been a great opportunity to let go of things and see the excitement and connection that people express when they get something useful to them without parting with any money.  It's great! If your interested in finding out more about the global Buy Nothing Project then check out this link here:

Over the next few months, with our upcoming move, Tom and I will surely be going through more of our stuff and downsizing, particularly our furniture and kitchen utensils etc.  Downsizing for me has become really addictive and Ive really found that, like many people share on this journey to a simplified life, I don't miss what I've given away at all.

Here is a photo of a clothes closet for a couple who currently live in a tiny house.... yeah, onwards and upwards!


  1. Well done Bex. Look forward to seeing more of your journey toward a simpler way of life.

    1. Thanks so much Joan! Great to be sharing this journey with you <3
